
Feminist Kills Baby Boy to Prevent the Patriarchy

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My Response:

While I do believe that what she did was screwed up.. I'm seeing a lot of people
in the comments, saying she's not a "real feminist" and talking about China, where
"the opposite happens".

I've got 2 things to say about that:

1. Feminism is the belief you can achieve equality by focusing on a single gender.

**Equality and Feminism are NOT synonymous.

**The reason only the "crazy feminists" are seen as representations of Feminism,
is because they're the only Feminists actually "doing" things. Where most moderates
are too busy with life/job/family/ect to be an activist.

**When a moderate like Christina H. Sommers steps up and calls them out, she's viciously
attacked and labeled as an Anti-Feminist.

2. Did you know, in China there was a special law that privileges women from having
to take care of her parents in old age?

**Boys have no such privilege.

**Families living in a country (China) in a time without reliable social security had to hope
that if they had a girl, she would have the resources and respect for them, to take care
of her parents when they no longer could take care of themselves (when they leave the
workforce) since, unlike boys, girls couldn't be forced to by law.

This is why baby girls were avoided by many parents (fear of dying old and in a gutter).

Yet despite that, Feminists never went over there to deal with this law/privilege of inequality
so that the birthrate would even out and people would stop killing/aborting baby girls.

But then again, that's the real story of Feminism isn't it?

They use gender politics to push their agenda and don't care whom suffers.

Consider some of Feminism's greatest "achievements":

1. The right to vote for women:
Men could only vote if they served in the military, Women got it for free.
[That's NOT equality].

2. The Tender years doctrine:
Men were financially responsible for their children, thus it was in the best interest of the child
to go off with the father.

Yet Feminists in the UK were annoyed with this logic because "ma feels" and created a law that
stated "children under a specific age are better off with their mother".

When the divorce rates skyrocketed, this slanted child custody in the favor of women upwards of
70-95% of the time (depending on what state you live in), despite income, despite mental health.
[That's NOT equality]

3. Domestic Abuse Laws:
When studies and evidence started to show that women were just as violent as men and were
just as likely to be the aggressors. Feminists went out of their way to change police proceedings
in how the "aggressor" is identified.

These new guidelines, revolve around male traites, such as weight and height.

This results in bias stats being produced that "prove" men are more violent and more likely to
abuse their spouse than women.
[That's NOT equality]


**There's also the wage gap and many other bogus stats being tossed around. but that's a story for another time.

Ref 1:…

Ref 2:…

Ref 3:…


As a sidenote:

For any youtuber out there that's looking for new ideas for content, I'd suggest doing a series
on this sort of topic and naming it: "Feminism's Greatest Achievements".

In the series, you can take a look back history and shine light on "how" they achieve equality.
**Their methods.
**Their mindsets.
**Their goals.
**And most importantly, their victims.

The idea would be to knock them off their high horse and dismantle their defense mechanisms
like "political correctness". Thus outing Feminism for what it really promotes and believes in.

IE: Patriarchy Theory: Where men hate and oppress women.
This is why we can't have nice things...
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